A People Free From Sin
Nate Rutman
In our first week in Titus 3:1–11, we see that God calls us to live free from sin because He has made us heirs of a better kingdom. Download the weekly Bible Study that goes with this sermon.
Leaders Worth Following
Nate Rutman
We should see Jesus reflected in the godliness of worthy leaders … and then we should follow them! Download the weekly Bible Study that goes with this sermon.
Saved to Serve
Nate Rutman
As believers we are called to live secure in God’s grace, to display Jesus by our good works, and to hope in the glory of God. That is Paul’s model for local-church ministry. Summary of Titus (video): https://thebibleproject.com/explore/titus/ Model of local-church ministry as seen in Titus
Why Do We Sing?
Nate Rutman
This is a shorter message to allow for more time in worship. We considered three questions: (1) Why do we sing? (2) What do we sing? (3) How do we sing?
Prayer: The Bold Privilege
Nate Rutman
Prayer produces deep intimacy with Jesus when we use it to prioritize God’s will and prize God’s grace.
The Mission of Love
Nate Rutman
You are called to joyfully and radically love others because the God of Love lives within you!
Confident Children
Nate Rutman
God has adopted us as His children who live confident in His love and who passionately pursue righteousness.
Confident Hope
Nate Rutman
God gives us all we need to confidently embrace Jesus every day and resist the deception of other voices.
People of Light
Nate Rutman
The God of light calls you to walk in there light of His truth and His righteousness. Do you want to be truly known and fully cleansed?
The Wonder of Fellowship
Nate Rutman
John begins his first letter by testifying that God came in the flesh as Jesus Christ—which means you can enter into the joy of having fellowship with God.
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