The Pleasure of Praising God
Nate Rutman
If you are human, then you were created to diligently pursue and practice the pleasure of praising God.
The Prayer of Review
Mike Pierson
You can learn to pray in a way that invites God into every area of your life.
Seeking God in Prayer
Mike Pierson
Prayer is a gift given to us from God to seek His power and His presence. Let’s learn to use it.
Jesus, Our Example of Endurance
Mark Altrogge
Where are we to get endurance for the challenges we face in this life?
Seek is an Action Word
Mike Pierson
Though seeking God requires action on our part, it’s action with a marvelous payoff.
I Am The Light of the World
Mike Pierson
The Light of the World conquers spiritual darkness and brings joy. What will you do to draw near to the Light of the World this advent season?
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