To Gather the Remnant
Rob Ivy
God will judge those who break his law, but through Jesus our Shepherd-King, we do not fear.
The City of God and the Hope of Man
Rob Ivy
God will soon be victorious over the rebellion of the world and invites us to join in his victory forever.
The Greatness of God vs the Ambitions of Man
Rick Reynolds
The Tower of Babel story can appear to be just about a foolish building project, but there are lessons here for us about trusting God.
The Promise of God and the Security of Man
Rob Ivy
Noah could not restore our relationship with God but Jesus Christ can. Through Christ, we become who we were created to be.
The Reason for Our Hope
Rob Ivy
Christ is all both in creation and redemption, therefore he must be all in our lives. Download the weekly Bible Study that goes with this sermon.
The Object of Our Hope
Nate Rutman
Our daily hope and trust in Jesus is motivated by seeing His supremacy and knowing that He is supremely trust-worthy. Download the weekly Bible Study that goes with this sermon.
The Judgment of God and the Fate of Man
Rob Ivy
The flood demonstrates to us God’s freedom in judgment and elicits our stunned worship. Download the weekly Bible Study that goes with this sermon.
The Sorrow of God and the Wickedness of Man
Rob Ivy
The reason for God’s judgment and the urgency of man’s response. Download the weekly Bible Study that goes with this sermon.
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